
/Tag: fertility

Preservación de la fertilidad en pacientes oncológicos

La congelación de óvulos y esperma garantiza la posibilidad de formar una familia después del cáncer   Un año más FIV OCHOA, la unidad de reproducción asistida del Hospital Ochoa, ofrece durante el mes de febrero a los pacientes oncológicos la preservación gratuita de la fertilidad, o lo que es lo mismo, la [...]

By |2022-02-04T11:56:59+00:00febrero 4th, 2022|Sin categoría|0 Comentarios

When there is more than one mother

The ROPA method allows couples of women to conceive a child thanks to the donation of eggs within the couple The concept of family has been changing in recent decades, from the traditional model, configured by marriage or heterosexual couple, to very diverse ones with different incidence and legal frameworks according to the countries. Among [...]

By |2021-06-28T09:20:23+00:00junio 28th, 2021|Sin categoría|0 Comentarios

The success rate in treatments with donated eggs at IVF Ochoa rises to 75%

Women between the ages of 18 and 30 can donate freely and anonymously Performing assisted reproduction treatments with donated eggs guarantees greater success. At IVF Ochoa, the assisted reproduction clinic in Marbella, the cumulative pregnancy rate per cycle rises to 75% when using egg donation compared to the 60% achieved through in vitro fertilization (IVF). [...]

By |2021-06-07T07:01:02+00:00junio 7th, 2021|FIV Ochoa|0 Comentarios

Families and families

The generosity of donors allows couples to overcome medical conditions, develop single-mother projects and new family models. Young families, large families, single-mother families, families with two mothers, families that are realised after 40 ... Diverse families, in short, to whom today we want to wish a happy day from the FIV Ochoa team with a [...]

By |2021-05-15T08:34:40+00:00mayo 15th, 2021|FIV Ochoa|0 Comentarios